Dev Cart Block Diagramm

These two pictures show the different functional blocks of the prototype design. On the top side you have the MCU and next to it the connector for In-System-Programming and the MMC/SD daughter board. The yellow block marks the usb hardware for emulated software-usb on the mcu, the green block is the ram section. The orange block on top, right under the cart edge connector marks the bus transceivers to connect or disconnect the snes to the ram interface. The blue block overlays the transceiver for data access to the ram from the mcu side. The logic gates are for lo-/hiram switching and to disable write access to the ram section from the snes side.

On the bottom side you have a socket for the cic-lockout chip and the rest of the bus transceivers to connect or disconnect the snes. In the lower half you have shift registers to preset a certain adress to the adress counters. These counters are connected to the ram via bus transceivers, so you can access large memory with only a few io-pins on the mcu side. The red block is a demultiplexer to distribute the 22bit adresses to the 19 bit adresses of the ram ics.

Dev Cart Block Diagramm