H00lyshit – DIY Bluetooth Sniffer

Since the 23c3 every interested researcher knew that is easy to compromise bluetooth sessions using the BTcrack tool.Thierry Zoller showed how it’s possible to retrieve link keys, The only problem was to get hands on a bluetooth sniffer device to get the raw bluetooth packets. Such devices are not available at consumer prices. But somehow Max Moser found a way to tranform a vanilla usb bt dongle into a bluetooth sniffer device.

Mini Howto

#Backup old firmware
dfutool -d hci0 archiv backup.dfu
# Backup config
bccmd -d hci0 pslist -s 0x000F >> backup_cfg
# Check Vendor ID ( has to be 0x0a12)
bccmd -d hci0 psget -s 0x000f 0x02be
# Write new Product ID
bccmd -d hci0 psset -s 0x0002 0x02bf 0x0002 

H00lyshit – DIY Bluetooth Sniffer