ITunes commandline importer

Since i swichted my fun computing (music, videos + web ) from linux to OS X i needed some tools to make thinks easier with iTunes. I was used to amarok, which make music library handling pretty straight forward. I really hate the way iTunes handles music libs, so i switched the iTunes self organzing features off and wrote a little script using python and appscript to import music via commandline.


  • batch import of folders
  • create playlists on the fly
  • remove duplicates from playlist
  • recursive mode to import trees

Import Folder ‘Album\ to Playlist ‘New’ and set Artist to ‘Slayer’ and Album to ‘South of Heaven’

python -d Album -p New -a 'Slayer' -A 'South of Heaven'

Import from Folder ‘music’ recursiv, where Playlist ,Artist and Album get name after the Folders. Folder Sample

           album 1
           album 2

Will yield playlists name like artist – album 1 and artist album 2

python -d music -r


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